"MIRADA" - is a software product developed by our engineers to facilitate the processing of information coming from each "ETSA" equipment.

We have made a very convenient online service for customers called "Mirada". Using this online service, you can monitor the amount of saved electricity, the operating modes of the "ETSA" equipment, as well as control any parameters of the electric network at your request, converting them into reports.
What problems will "MIRADA" solve?
saving of time
Когда личные встречи и даже короткие переговоры могут отнять очень много времени.
full range of information
Когда почта переполнена письмами ото всюду, выделите для общения с командой особое место
reports in any form
Когда собралось множество задач, Docket поможет систематизировать и расставить приоритеты
working environment
All project data is stored in a secure cloud on the "ETSA Group" servers. Create reports on power quality, the amount of power saved at any time, share report files in real time.
Easy access anywhere, from any device.
Use any convenient device. Laptop, tablet or phone - MIRADA works equally well on any screen. At any time you are aware of what is happening!
The clear and simple MIRADA interface helps to focus and correctly allocate tasks for the main energy service, from technical accounting of electricity consumption and planning of electricity purchases to preventing emergencies. It is possible to connect emergency situations for notification in SCADA systems.
Reasons to work with "MIRADA"
Saves your time
Just open MIRADA and start with a quick start. All information will be saved. Any reports are generated in real time.
Team Together
Provide access to engineering units of your company.
The Internet is adapted
The MIRADA interface is adapted for all devices. You can even work from your phone.
Always in touch
Technical support specialists are always in touch to resolve any questions.
Simple interface
MIRADA is simple. You will quickly understand how it works. Nothing extra!
Minimum meetings
View in real time the operating parameters of your electrical equipment..
Keep Workflow Under Control
Log in to your personal account and take a brief course on using MIRADA

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our technical support team: mirada@etsa-group.com